Synthetic Orbits

A Celestial Robotic Spectacle
UCLA, 2014

Design, astronomy, and dance are merged into a mesmerizing event in this carefully choreographed project. KUKA robots were used to design unnatural or “synthetic” orbits for two asteroid-shaped disco balls called Ceres and Gaspra. Based on characteristics such as axiality, posture, wobble, and curvature, the relationship between the asteroids evolves throughout the piece. The result is a dazzling, slow-motion display of celestial spectacle.

Filmed at the UCLA IDEAS campus for Jason Payne’s “Dark Star Disco” technology seminar. Designed by Kimberly Daul, Trenman Yau, Nawid Piracha, Xiran Zhang, Sining Wang, Yining Wang, Steven Matti, Alex Xu, Xiaoxiao Su, Yatung Nuo, Yuhao Zhu, and Ziliang Lu.


The Stair